Sunday, September 2, 2012

Off to a great start!

I am so pleased with the first two weeks of school. We will finish introducing the Eight Smarts this week. To date we have introduced Word Smart, People Smart, Self Smart, Picture Smart and Number Smart.  I want the children to understand that everyone is smart in their own way. We learned a song that we have been practicing at the beginning of each morning. Ask them if they can sing some of it for you.  PLEASE go through your child's backpack daily and Friday folder with them. There is some very important information in there this week. Thank you so much for sending lunch money for tickets in an envelope with what you are wanting to purchase.  It makes it some much easier for the volunteer to figure out what you are wanting for your child. Keep track of how many tickets were purchased and used. If you have any questions about what your child has left just email me or send me a note.  I encourage you to start letting your child walk into the building independently. If you drop your child off before 7:20 they will need to walk to the office and wait there. The tardy bell rings at 7:30. The children are counted tardy if they are not in the room. If you are running late and know your child is tardy, they will need to go to the office to get a Late Slip.
Mrs. Catton