Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What's Happening in October


Important Dates in Kindergarten
October is Bully Prevention Month. We will be discussing what it looks and sounds like to be a friend. We have no time for bullies, we are to busy being friends! It is also Fire Safety Month. We will be discussing  fire safety.

Oct. 8 Fall Conferences 1-8, Noon dismissal
Oct. 12-16 Fall Break Enjoy!!
Oct. 23 Harvest Hoedown
Oct. 27 Morgan's Birthday
Oct. 29 K-2 Music Program
Oct. 30 Classroom Halloween Party

We are very busy learning and growing in Kindergarten. Here is what we have been up to in class.

Language Arts- Daily Five is going well. We have learned about the letters Aa, Bb, and Cc by  as well as all of the letters of the alphabet through songs, the name game, reading fiction and non-fiction texts. You can help your child by looking for these letters in texts as well as practiceing writing them correctly. Our shared reading has been Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins. We have taken a picture walk, listen to it at a listening center, retold the story and acted it out with character cards.

Math- Math Workshop is going great. We are counting objects at the Counting Jar,  counting  each other, ordering numbers, working with shapes, describing attributes, working on our Counting books, graphing at the weather calendar, counting at the calendar and hundreds chart, talking about one more/one less, etc. You can help your child at home by counting objects at home and practicing writing number correctly 0-10.

Religion- We have attended Mass, had community circles where we talk about how to Do The Right Thing and Treat People Right,  and learned about the Fruits of the Spirit. We will be moving on to the story of Creation after Fall Conferences.We thank God everyday for something. It may be the sun being out, the rain, that everyone is here today and times of the day.  We learned about the Pope's visit to the United States. You can help your child by thanking God for the blessings of your family and taking your child to Mass on the weekend.

Social Studies: We have talked about being good citizens. Good citizens clean up after themselves and follow the procedures of the school and classroom. We learned about Johnny Appleseed. One of the state standards in Social Studies is that they hear about important figures in history. You can help your child by modeling being a good citizen.

Science: We have been using magnifying  glasses to observe items brought in for the Fall Science Center and learning vocabulary words for the items. You can help your child by talking about the changes that are going on in the environment and with the weather.

Goal Sheets and Homework Calendars: I will be sharing with you how your child is doing on their September goal sheets at Fall Conferences on October 8. October goal sheets and Homework Calendar will be coming home in this week's Friday folder. The only way your child is going to learn self help skills is to show your child how to do them and then allow them to try. Many children who are struggling with buttoning, zipping and tying their shoes tell me that they don't dress themselves. I encourage you to show your child and then let them try.

Reading Logs: The best thing you can do for your child as they are learning how to read is to read to them daily. That is the reason for the weekly reading log. It gives me information that I use to start a discussion with your child. I ask them about the books that are read to them and who reads to them. I see a significant difference between children who are read to daily and those who are not.

Computer- www.starfall.com is a great website to work on letter recognition, sounds, and beginning reading. We started using it this week and the kids were very engaged.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

What's Happening in February

February is a busy month in the classroom.

Language Arts- The various groups are working on different reading skills. The groups are practicing letters sounds and putting those sounds together to make words, practicing sight words, and reading leveled readers. These are the sight words your child should recognize if they have been actively engaged during group time from seeing these words on morning message, agenda board, predictable charts, and etc. I, a, go, to, love, today, is. it, will, we. If your child can not easily recognize these words   you can do some fun activities at home to help. Have them write them in sand, shaving cream, write them in fun colors, find them in book, make flash cards and play memory with them.

Math- We are working on recognizing the numbers 11-20 and counting sets to those numbers. We finished our unit on patterns and are moving on to measurement. The students will be making direct comparisons of length, capacity, weight, temperature and recognize which object is shorter, longer, taller, lighter, heavier, warmer, cooler or holds more.  They will work to understand concepts of time, including morning, afternoon, evening, today, yesterday, tomorrow, day, week, month, and year. They need to understand that clocks and calendars are tools to measure time. You can help your child by using this vocabulary when speaking with your child. I checked Moby Max and some of the students are really moving along through the program and their math skills are progressing.

Religion- We have been talking a lot about prayer and how to pray. Please talk with your children about when and how you pray. We will be talking about Lent starting on Ash Wednesday and we will learn the symbols of Lent and how these symbols help us to understand Holy Week and Easter.

Social Studies- We will learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and how they were important to history.

Health- We will learn how healthy habits keep us feeling good so we can learn and grow. We will have a visitor from Ruth Lilly come and talk to us about healthy habits. There will be a special surprise visitor come visit us to teach us about how we can take care of our teeth at the end of the month.