Wednesday, August 27, 2014

8 Smarts

Today we completed our unit on the 8 Smarts. We learned a song that helped us learn the Smarts and that it doesn't matter how smart you are but rather how you are Smart. We read a book that went with each Smart to help us understand the Smart. During center time the children got an opportunity to explore the Smart by doing various activities. Ask your child if they can tell you the 8 Smarts (Word, Nature, People, Self, Art, Music, Body, and Number). We will refer to the 8 Smarts throughout the school year.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What's Happening in Room 23- Mrs. Catton's Kindergarten Class

Five days of kindergarten so far. Five days of meeting new friends, learning procedures and routines of school, and building a community. We are off to a great start. In Language Arts we are reading books about school  and doing a shared reading with the big book Buttons Buttons. In Animal Island we are learning vocabulary as well as practicing the ABCs.  Some children are just learning the ABCs and some are learning sounds. In Math we are counting. We count throughout the day. We are counting when we take attendance, line up, take lunch count, etc. I also introduced Math Workshop which will have everyday in kindergarten. During Math Workshop we will be learning about math using the math program Investigations.  In Religion we are focusing on our prayers. We pray during announcements, say a special kindergarten prayer, pray before and after lunch, and end the day with a prayer in the classroom. We are also building community in our classroom by getting to know each other, We are learning each others names, sharing about ourselves during the ME bag activity, and community circles where we talk and listen to each other. I have heard "Me too" a lot which is great because that tells me they are listening to each other. We have been getting together with Mrs. Hacker's kindergarten class in the morning to learn about the 8 Smarts. Our smarts help us learn. So far we have learned how we are Body Smart and Music Smart.
I am so excited about this school year!
Mrs. Catton