Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 Senses

This week we are focusing on the 5 senses. Our big book is My Five Senses by Aliki. In the story we learned what our five senses are and how our senses help us to be aware. In the story the little boy likes to play a game where he thinks how many senses he is using at any time. For example when he looks at the moon he is using one or if he is playing with his puppy he is using three. In Math we did some graphing with the senses. This was challenging for some of the kids. I encourage you tonight when you are around the dinner table eating play that game to see how many senses you are using. We also discussed in Religion how when God created us he was very smart to give us our senses so we could enjoy his beautiful creations.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Progress reports

Thank you to those of you who sent me an email to let me know that you received and reviewed your child's progress report with me. I did have a question concerning the number indicated under the math area of combinations. Your child is currently working on combinations of that number. For example if the number is 5 your child is learning that the combinations are 1+4=5, 4+1=5, 2+3=5, 3+2=5,0+5=5,5+0=5. It is addition.

Riley Week

Today you received an email from the school office outlining Riley Week next week here at Holy Spirit. Each homeroom has a red bucket that we will use to fill up with change. Tomorrow I will be explaining the bucket to the children during religion. I am going to ask the children to do "chores for change" again like we did earlier in the year. Please help out by allowing your child to do little chores to help out around the house and let them earn some money to share with the kids from Riley. I know that we are also asking for the children to put change in their Rice bowls sent home for Lent so anything opportunity you can give your child to earn change will be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daily FIve

Today during Daily Five one of our Master teacher came to observe. She was very impressed how well it went. She observed me working with two different reading groups doing a guided reading lesson, children reading to themselves, writing, listening to reading and writing a response, and working with words. The children were engaged and eager to share with her when she inquired about what they were working on.


We are working on combinations (addition) during Math workshop and the children are doing a great job with their math vocabulary of more, less, fewer, and greater.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Rice bowls

Rice bowls are coming home today in your child's Friday folder with instructions. Lent is a great time to give of change to help those in need.

Valentine's Party

We are having our Valentine's Day party on Tuesday since Lent is beginning on Wednesday. Please have your child bring in a valentine for their classmates. There are 17 children in the classroom and I am asking that you have your child sign their name only on their valentines.