Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday is hump day

I heard from a few parents this morning that their children were sluggish and cranky about coming to school. It is very common and believe me it will diminish as they feel more comfortable with the routine of school. We had a great day. We started out with a school assembly where we meet our student ambassadors, Mackenzie (spelling ?) Plunkitt and Natalie Donlan. I know both of these girls and I am thrilled to have them come and work with us in Kindergarten. After we took care of morning learning we got to play in the room during free exploration. It gave me a great opportunity to learn what your child's interests are just by watching what they chose to do with their free time. Then it was time for Animal Island, lunch, recess, restroom, Math workshop, story time, Art, church to learn about Mass behaviors and routines, recess, brain break and snack. Not to mention reflection of the day and ending with singing the school song. Whew, can you see why these little five and six year old children are tired? My suggestion is get to bed early and stick to your morning routine of quickly dropping them off with a kiss and a hug because believe me they are just fine! Thank you to those who have joined me as a follower of this blog.
Mrs. Catton