Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy Day of Learning

Whew, what a busy day in room 23! We started our day celebrating Mass with Father Paul. We spoke with him after Mass and made plans to met him next Wednesday after Mass to give him the money for the hymnals. He is very curious why we need to see him. The children are so excited. Then our preschool friends joined us to listen to and watch the children act out the story 10 Red Apples by Pat Hutchins. After lunch we had book buddies and then planted apples trees and made an apple tree treat. Just a friendly reminder to please send in a note or call the office prior to end of the day if your child's dismissal routine is different than their normal routine. Unfortunately,  our email has had some issues lately so these other ways of communication are much more affective. :0 I will be accepting change until Friday of this week for the hymnals for our parish family.
Mrs. Catton