Dear Parents,
We have been very busy in class learning vocabulary words in our reading stations. Your child will be assessed on their knowledge of the 8 basic colors : red, yellow,blue, green, purple, black, brown, orange and the 6 basic shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus (diamond), and oval for the fall report card. Also for the fall report card I will be checking for knowledge of their address, birthday, and phone number as well as their ability to zip, button, and tie their shoes.I wanted you to have this information so you can work with your child by reinforcing these skills at home. Friday we will have a prayer service as a school community in reverence of the memory of 9/11. Your child is allowed to wear a red, white, and blue shirt as well as blue jeans that school day. This is a solemn occasion. A few reminders: Please send in a snack for your child daily, if you are purchasing a lunch/milk ticket for your child please put it in an envelope with your child's name and what you want to purchase. :) We are into the routine of school and I encourage those of you who are still walking your child into school in the morning to make it a goal to have them come in on their own starting Monday. We have been having problems with our server so homework watcher has been affected. I apologize for any problems you are experiencing.
Mrs. Catton