Dear Parents,
I would like to have cooking and science learning centers for the students a few times a month. I am asking that each student bring in their favorite type of apple in a baggie with their name on it by Wednesday of next week. They can start bringing them in tomorrow if you would like. We will be doing a language activity where I will be asking the children why they chose the apple that they did to bring into school. We are working very hard at using complete sentences which is a language standard for kindergarten. We will do some graphing, taste testing, and cooking over the next two weeks with their apples in our learning centers. There are a few items that I need for my learning centers. They are as follows: box of graham crackers, tub of white icing, small bottle of green food coloring, bag of mini m&ms, small bag of planting soil, dixie cups, bag of plastic works, bag of plastic spoons. Please contact me at my school email or send in a note if you can provide any of the requested items as I need them no later than next Tuesday. I greatly appreciate it! We are just having such fun learning and growing everyday. I am very impressed by this group! Be sure to practice those self help skills (zipping, buttoning, tying shoes), colors, shapes, address, birthday, and phone number. Progress reports will be coming home in Friday folders. Contact me if you have any questions regarding your child's progress report.
Mrs. Catton