- Religion- Bible Stories
- Math- Patterns, counting to 100 by 1's,10's, and 5's.
- Reading- reading text, sight words, sounding out words, letter sounds and letter recognition depending on child's needs.
- Riley Week 1/12-16. We will be collecting change to give to Riley Hospital. Have your child do some chores around the house to earn some change to bring in and put in the bucket. We can be more like Jesus by helping others who are less fortunate than us.
- Catholic Schools Week 1/26-30. We will be celebrating our Catholic Schools.
Monday, January 5, 2015
What's Happening in January
January is the beginning of third quarter. We set our goals and changed reading and math groups with each group working on their specific needs. At the End of My Nose is the title of our next unit of study as we continue to Explore God's World. In this unit we will understand that God created me special (God created all people), My body needs special care (dressing properly for the weather), I can make healthy choices (eating good foods, getting plenty of sleep and exercise), and I feel many emotions, but I can use self control (learning how to deal with emotions).