Saturday, October 4, 2014
What's happening in October
We are talking about the changes in the weather and how we are changing with it, We are off and running with Daily Five. During Read to Self the kids are reading alphabet books, number books, Scholastic magazines, school books, and books we have read as a class. In Word Work the kids have been working on letter and sound recognition and alphabetical order with some children making words. In Writing the kids wrote words to do with school and been creating something out of the letter of the week in their journal and then I write down their thoughts. They have been finishing up their Creation book and retelling the story to each other during Listening to Reading and during Work with the Teacher they are working on skills at their level. I am so pleased with how the children are working independently so I can work with groups. In Math Workshop they are working on counting, practicing writing numbers correctly, and making a counting book that will go into their book basket when it is complete. I encourage you to have your child practice counting things at home. I will be sharing their work with you at Fall Conferences on October 16. Author Chris Lyttle will speak to us about bullying and his book on October 6th. Field trip to the Children's Museum is on the 10th. Spirit Week is the last week of the month. Classroom Halloween parties are on the 31st. Be sure to read the school newsletter for information about Spirit Week. Spirit Week is a lot of fun and you will want your child to participate in the fun.