Dear Parents,
Last week your child brought home their results from the EFSF testing that was done in August along with a packet of learning activities that you can do at home that will help your child. I really hope that you looked through those activities and are doing some of the suggested activities with your child. If your child did not score AT EXPECTED for their age you will need to do the activities. I suggest that you do some of the activities even if your child scored AT EXPECTED or ABOVE because they are fun and will strengthen these areas especially in the areas of Auditory and Language. The next few blogs will be further explanations of the different areas.
Gross Motor Development
Gross motor development is the awareness and development of large muscle activities. A few examples of gross motor skills are: understanding body parts, walking with arms swinging, skipping, galloping, running, hopping on both feet and one foot, throwing and catching various size balls, body movement to the left and right. When we move from our building to the main building you may see us doing these movements. It is comical to watch us but it is beneficial the development of their large muscles. Large muscles need to develop before the small muscles development.