Thursday, September 26, 2013

Student Ambassadors

Erin Nagle and Hannah Burke are our two student ambassadors this school year. Student ambassadors are older students who will teach a lesson on the lifeskill of the month and sitting with us at church. This is a great program that the student ambassadors volunteer to participate in. They have to prepare the lessons and then teach to the children. I have to observe them and then critique their lesson noting their strengths and weaknesses. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to use their speaking skills and gives the kindergarten students the opportunity to use their listening skills. Listening skills are something that we are working on everyday at school and we have speaking and listening standards in kindergarten that the children will be graded on this year so any opportunity to practice those skills is important. There is also a Family Connect sheet in this week's Friday folder that you will need to complete with your child. These Family Connect sheets are religion homework and as with all homework there is a due date and will be recorded in my grade book. These Family Connect homework sheets are a great way to start a conversation with your child about the lifeskill of the month. The lifeskill for this month is friendship. I love that this is the first lifeskill because we all want friends but in order to have friends you need to be a friend. We have to teach the children at a young age what that looks like and sounds like with our actions and our words.