- I can follow directions the first time given.
- I can raise my hands to speak.
- I can keep my hands and feet to myself.
- I can use kind words and actions.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
I Can
Starting next week the children will be taking control of their own behaviors here at school. We have been in school for two weeks and they have done a great job learning the procedures of the school and the room. I have a poster titled I Can. Each child has a stick with their name on it. The sticks starts out on green (go) everyday. If they are following the four I Can behaviors throughout the day they will stay on green. If they need to slow down and think about their behaviors (after they have had to be redirected a few times) they will move to yellow. This is their sign to slow down and think about what I am doing and what I am supposed to be doing at school. If a child gets to red (not following redirection from the adults) there will be a time out. One minute for each year of age. It will usually take place during earned play time. I am believe that if you have expectations of the kids they will strive to do their best and learn along the way. I also believe that if they take ownership in their behaviors that will help them as well. The following is the I Can behaviors.