Sunday, November 11, 2012
Daily Five and Book Buddies
Daily Five is going really well. My goal is that your child is working on reading for 90 minutes. On Thursdays we will get extra reading practice because we have paired up with Miss Hill's second grade class for Book Buddies. During this time your child will have a second grade book buddy that they will do the part of Daily Five called Read to Someone. During Read to Someone the pair sits EEKK (ask your child what it stands for) with a book from your child's book bag. They are using books from their book bag because it is a good fit book for your child. They will listen to their second grade book buddy read (fluency). Stop frequently to check for understanding (comprehension) from the kindergartener. Because the kindergarten children are all at different reading levels some will be reading sentences with their book buddies, some words, and some may be will be looking for letters but they all can read the pictures when it is their turn to read. We set procedures during our first time together because we know that when the children take ownership in their learing they will be more successful. Miss Hill and I were so impressed with their ideas about what would make Book Buddies run smoothly and effectively.