Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Hungry Little Catepillars

Hopefully your child came home and told you about the four living caterpillars we have  in our classroom.  We will be observing them and discussing the changes and if all goes as planned,  by the last week of kindergarten we will have butterflies. This week our shared reading is I'm a Caterpillar by Jean Marzallo. As you may have heard also, one of our hermit crabs died over the weekend. While it was sad, it lead to a nice discussion about the cycle of life. I heard that many of the children remembered Hermie in their nightly prayers. Today I had the honor of writing with the children a letter to St. Elizabeth / Coleman telling them that the kindergartners had earned over $348.00 in the Kindergarten Challenge. We had alot of fun estimating how many diapers and how much formula that would buy for the babies. We have been observing the classroom garden we planted and are writing about the changes that are occuring. We are checking on the chickens as we move about the school and on our way out to recess. They seem right at home here at Holy Spirit.
Hard to believe that we are into the last month of kindergarten. We will be visiting one of the first grade classrooms soon  and them we will be discussing similarities and differences between the two grades.
Mrs. Catton