Please remember to give your child an opportunity to earn change for chores for our Advent service project. Giving up something you enjoy and bringing in is a great way to make that connection of sacrafice and service. I will be asking anyone who brings in ice cream money tomorrow if they would like to give their .50 to our service project. Father Douglas and Sister Doraley came to visit us in our classroom and we explained how we are earning money to share with them so they can buy school uniforms for the children in our twinning parish. Even though we don't speak the same language, their smiles were universal! We know how much they appreciated our efforts.
I am looking for the following donations for our cooking lesson next week.
6 green apples
an apple corer
a tub of the brown sugar waffers
a large bag of purple grapes
a box of Post Alpha- Bits
paper plates
Please let me know ASAP if you can donate any of these items. I will need them by Monday,
Mrs. Catton