Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We have finished our unit of study of school and tomorrow I will be introducing our next unit of study- The Family. The key knowledge point that I want each student to learn from this next unit is that while all families may not look alike they each have responsibilities that are similar. Each family is unique and special and families love each other. We will be talking about  how we have our home family, school family, parish and community families. We will be reading books, doing activities, and sharing about our families. I am asking each child to bring in a family picture. They will share their picture with the class during religion time so I encourage you to have your child practice talking about their picture at home before they bring it in. These will be returned when we complete this unit. We had an opportunity to share today in a community circle how sometimes families celebrate together when great things happen in the family and how sometimes when things don't go so great everyone in the family feels the consequences of that. A few of the kids in the class had a rough day listening and following directions all morning and it spilled over into recess and our special for the day so we had to cancel book buddies :(.  We had a community circle instead where we discussed how our actions not only affect us but others like those in our school family.  It was a good learning experience for all of us and I am confident that tomorrow will be a better day. :)
Mrs. Catton