I have explained numerous times to the children what the marks I make on their papers mean. I hope that they have been able to share that with you but in case they have not I'd like to clarify for you. Prior to giving a task to the children I give them verbal directions as well as a visual to follow.For many of the students I have them repeat the directions back to me so I can check for comprehension and understanding. If your child brings home a paper with a check plus on it that means that they correctly followed my directions and gave what I feel was there personal best. I work closely with each child, look at everything that they do, and observe them while they are working so I have first hand knowledge of their strenghts and weaknesses. If there is a smiley face next to it that lets the child know that it put a big smile on my face to see their good work. If there is a check only that means that the student followed my directions but did not give their best efforts. If there is a check minus, which you will rarely ever see, that means that they completely missed the directions or concept being checked. I will have the child redo anything that would earns a check minus because I want to be sure that they understand what was being taught. Please contact me if you have any questions about these symbols and their meaning.
Mrs. Catton