I introduced the first set of popcorn words (sight words) to the children today. I would suggest that you make flash cards and acknowledge these words when you read them and write them with your child. They are as follows: I, it, at, go, we, to, is, the, and, me. The children have already noticed that I have used these words numerous times on morning message, the agenda, and many of the writings done so far this year. Popcorn (sight) words are high frequency words that your child should just recognize and not have to sound out.
October calendars and Book-It are due on Monday. We discussed the Halloween party today and the children understand that I want them to wear their school clothes for the day under their costume so hopefully that will help you as they are getting ready for school Monday morning. The children enjoyed Honors Day today where we celebrated our good work for the first quarter. I gave each child something that they need to work on for the second quarter in regards to work and social skills as a goal.
Mrs. Catton
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Second quarter goals
Dear Parents,
Today we moved our bus further up the Learning Mountain since this is the first day of the second quarter. Where has the time gone?????????? I encourage you to get your child to school on time. They can enter the building at 7:20 and I have morning work for them every morning. Those who are late are behind from the get go. The students can not earn a perfect attendance award if they are tardy even if they haven't missed any days of school. This week we will be discussing and charting our new goals for the second quarter. I would like you to speak with your child this evening about what they think a good goal would be and you share your thoughts about what you think a good goal would be for them. My goals for them as a group are to recognize all capital and lower case letters of the alphabet, make at least 10 of the consonant sounds correctly, write numbers to 20, and count one to one to 20. Hopefully knowing this will help led your discussion with your child. I encourage you to share a goal that you have personally with your child too. I spent the weekend working on report cards and I am so anxious to sit with each of you next week to discuss them and your child's progress in kindergarten.
Mrs. Catton
Today we moved our bus further up the Learning Mountain since this is the first day of the second quarter. Where has the time gone?????????? I encourage you to get your child to school on time. They can enter the building at 7:20 and I have morning work for them every morning. Those who are late are behind from the get go. The students can not earn a perfect attendance award if they are tardy even if they haven't missed any days of school. This week we will be discussing and charting our new goals for the second quarter. I would like you to speak with your child this evening about what they think a good goal would be and you share your thoughts about what you think a good goal would be for them. My goals for them as a group are to recognize all capital and lower case letters of the alphabet, make at least 10 of the consonant sounds correctly, write numbers to 20, and count one to one to 20. Hopefully knowing this will help led your discussion with your child. I encourage you to share a goal that you have personally with your child too. I spent the weekend working on report cards and I am so anxious to sit with each of you next week to discuss them and your child's progress in kindergarten.
Mrs. Catton
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Active Listening
Thank you to all of you who helped your child with their active listening homework! I got the biggest kick out of reading them as it gives me great insight. Sounds as if getting up in the morning and bedtime is a challenge with the children listening. I remember those days very well so I can sympathize with you :). We have been working on a song with motions to help the children remember the five things for active listening. Ask your child if they can tell you the five things and have them show you the motions. Book- Its and the homework calendars are not due until the end of the month. If your child does bring back their Book- It, I tell them that they still need to read everyday. I am also looking to see what types of books you are reading and they look great but I encourage you to read those alphabet books and rhyming books too. I am going to a Kindergarten meeting on Friday so I will not be here but Miss Hurst will be. We will be eating in the classroom as the cafe is unavailable due to the Harvest Festival. We will not be doing ice cream on Friday in kindergarten. Your child can bring their lunch and drink or they can order a sack lunch and drink from the cafe in the morning.
Mrs. Catton
Mrs. Catton
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I have explained numerous times to the children what the marks I make on their papers mean. I hope that they have been able to share that with you but in case they have not I'd like to clarify for you. Prior to giving a task to the children I give them verbal directions as well as a visual to follow.For many of the students I have them repeat the directions back to me so I can check for comprehension and understanding. If your child brings home a paper with a check plus on it that means that they correctly followed my directions and gave what I feel was there personal best. I work closely with each child, look at everything that they do, and observe them while they are working so I have first hand knowledge of their strenghts and weaknesses. If there is a smiley face next to it that lets the child know that it put a big smile on my face to see their good work. If there is a check only that means that the student followed my directions but did not give their best efforts. If there is a check minus, which you will rarely ever see, that means that they completely missed the directions or concept being checked. I will have the child redo anything that would earns a check minus because I want to be sure that they understand what was being taught. Please contact me if you have any questions about these symbols and their meaning.
Mrs. Catton
Mrs. Catton
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday
Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful Wednesday. We started off with Rosary and Mass and then Father Chris met us after church so we could surprise him with the money we earned doing chores. He was thrilled when we told him we earned enough for five hymnals! The children were adorable as they shared with him what they did to earn their money. He taught us a simple way that we could pray everyday and I have added it to the daily routine of how we end our school day together. We always sing the school fight song and now we are going to sing this prayer and share what we are thankful for. The prayer is sung to One Little Indian. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little thank yous, 4 little, 5 little, 6 little thank yous, 7 little, 8 little, 9 little thank yous, 10 little thank yous Lord. I think this is a great way to end the day together. The fall discovery center is overflowing so Friday will be the last day for the children to bring items in to share. I want to reiterate how much I am enjoying your children. They are really a very special group of kiddos! Wow! I had 100% of the students return their September homework calendars. Working together we will help your child learn and grow everyday.
Mrs. Catton
We had a wonderful Wednesday. We started off with Rosary and Mass and then Father Chris met us after church so we could surprise him with the money we earned doing chores. He was thrilled when we told him we earned enough for five hymnals! The children were adorable as they shared with him what they did to earn their money. He taught us a simple way that we could pray everyday and I have added it to the daily routine of how we end our school day together. We always sing the school fight song and now we are going to sing this prayer and share what we are thankful for. The prayer is sung to One Little Indian. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little thank yous, 4 little, 5 little, 6 little thank yous, 7 little, 8 little, 9 little thank yous, 10 little thank yous Lord. I think this is a great way to end the day together. The fall discovery center is overflowing so Friday will be the last day for the children to bring items in to share. I want to reiterate how much I am enjoying your children. They are really a very special group of kiddos! Wow! I had 100% of the students return their September homework calendars. Working together we will help your child learn and grow everyday.
Mrs. Catton
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