Monday, November 25, 2013


We collected 43 boxes if instant mashed potatoes. Here we are delivering them to the bus. Thank you for sharing your blessings with others and allowing your children to learn the value of giving.

Stone soup

We were busy preparing the vegetables for stone soup today. We read different versions of the folktale and watched two versions on the Smartboard and then discussed how the stories were similar and different. Some character actors shared the first Thanksgiving story with us too.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's Happening

Math.... We are a busy in Math workshop. We are looking for patterns, creating patterns, building patterns. Look for patterns around your home and in the environment. We are  working on counting to 100 by ones and tens. Recognizing numerals 0-10 out of order, writing numbers  and counting numbers to set.

Reading.... We are very busy in Daily Five.  Some students are learning the letters of the alphabet, some letter sounds, some sight words, some decoding words, etc. Every student is working at their level but each is working hard.

Religion- Honesty


We have been talking a lot about what we are thankful for this month. Our reading this week during Daily Five was about the things the pilgrims were thankful for and we compared that with the things we are thankful for. We found that even though we were different from the pilgrims we were also very similar in the things we are thankful for.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

Today the children made thank you cards for our veterans, There were a few veterans at the program today and a few of the kids gave theirs to them. We gave the rest of the cards to Mrs. Flynn (our preschool teacher) to send to her son who is serving and he will hand them out to the other soldiers in his unit. She was very touched by the cards.

Observation walk

During math workshop we took an observation walk through the primary building. The children moved throughout the building noticing things they never did before. They then came back to the iron and wrote down or drew pictures of what they observed. We completed the lesson with a community circle where the children shared with the group.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Discovering pumpkins

We had a great week of discovery with pumpkins. In your child's Friday folder there is the non fiction text we read this week during daily five. Read it with your child and have them tell you what they learned about pumpkins. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Celebrating our 50th day

We celebrated being in kindergarten for 50 days with a Popsicle!