Thursday, January 24, 2013

101 day

Today we watched 101 Dalmations and ate trail mix we counted out yesterday in 100 day centers. We each had a sucker that we licked 100 times which was a lot of fun! Next week is Catholic School. Tomorrow we will be writing what we like about Holy Spirit School.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

100's day fun

We had a great time celebrating 100's day! Ask your child what their favorite 100's day activity was.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

100s day

Tomorrow is 100s day. Today we sat in silence for 100 seconds and charted 100 words. Tomorrow will be full of fun activities. If you haven't had your child count out 100 of something do it tonight as we are using them tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

100's Day

We will be celebrating 100's Day on Wednesday, January 23. I am asking that each child count 100 of something  small at home and bring it into school by that day.  Put it in a zip lock bag with their name on it and they will share during community circle that day. They will tell us what they counted, why they choose it, who they counted with and how. Did they count by ones, twos, fives, or tens. Maybe they counted more than one way. We are working on counting these ways in school.


Yesterday and today we measured each others shoes as well as a sibling's shoe. We are studing measurement as part of our new investigation. I asked each one of the children a time where they may of seen someone measure at home. Some were full of ideas and some were not so sure. Please point out a time when you measured something and what you used to measure to your child. We have used snapped cubes to measure so far but will be using sticks and other objects to measure over the next week.


We are collecting new or gently used shoes for our twinning parish in Texiguat Honduras. We can not accept flip flops though. If you have any shoes that you would like to share with those in need it would be greatly appreciated. You can send them into school and we will get them to our twinning parish.
Thank you!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Shout out

Your child will be bringing home in their backpack any awards they earned for the second quarter. The can earn awards for attendance, working hard, improvement and being Christ like. They can earn them from their homeroom teacher and special teachers. In order to earn an attendance award the student must be in school everyday of the quarter with no tardies. Congrats to Madden and Logan for earning a perfect attendance award for the second quarter. We received a shout out from Mrs. Parsons today because each student brought back their Friday folder with their report card signed and in the envelope. Thank you so much. That may not seem like much but to me it is a reason to celebrate. It means the kids listened when I gave them verbal directions on Friday and you all read my blog or email. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


While it is hard to come back to school after a long break, I love it because of the "changes" that take place in the classroom as well as with the children. The children were surprised when they came back on Monday to discover that some of the furniture had been moved. They quickly used their problem solving skills to figure out how to change the check in procedure to work with the changes. Their morning tables, Daily 5 and Math Workshop learning clubs changes as well. I was so impressed with how they did with the changes. Our bus is at the top of our learning mountain and is moving down the hill toward the first grade. We do not have any time to waste in kindergarten because we have got to get prepared for the first grade. Use this as a reference when discussing your child's report card over the weekend. Reprot cards will be coming home in your child's Friday folder this week. Kindergarten is not on My Student's Progress for reports only attendance. You will want to go over it with your child. Celebrate the successes and make a plan on how to tackle anything that needs to improve. Awards day is Monday at 7:45 if you would like to join us. January homework calendars and a reading log will be in the folder as well. There was not a reading log for this week due to the break but I know you are still reading with your child.
Mrs. Catton