WOW! We had a great first day. I know that the children must be tired because I am worn out. We had a full day of getting to know our new friends and visiting with old friends. We learned procedures for the classroom, hallway, lunch, restroom and recess. The children did a great job and I was very proud them. We even earned some compliments from other classroom teachers. Don't be surprised if they are moving slow tomorrow AM. Feel free to walk them in but start the process of encouraging independence of walking in on their own. Tomorrow we will walk out to carpool at 2:30 and then on Wednesday we will begin to walk out at regular dismissal time with the rest of the school. PLEASE remember to send in a snack for your child everyday. DO NOT send in drinks as they can get a drink from the drinking fountain in the hallway. The children who were so excited to show me their bag of snacks for the week. PICTURES are on Friday and I sent home the order form in your child's backpack today. I think it is going to be a great year and I am excited about the possibilities.
God Bless,
Mrs. Catton