Monday, March 12, 2012


This week we are learning about weather.  Our shared reading is the book What's the Weather Like Today.I love doing a   unit on weather during the month of March because we will experience all types of weather this month. Today I did a Circle Map with the children to check their prior knowledge of weather and where they have learned about weather. I was very pleased with how well they did answering my questions. Today we made a tornado in science. Please ask your child to tell you about it! Our guest readers last Friday were Joe Fought and Emily Shea and today Aiden O'Brien read. I would love to have everyone in the class be a guest reader by the end of the school year. Practice a book at home and have them bring it in and I will read with them. When I feel they are ready to read in front of the class they will be a guest reader. PLEASE send in a snack for your child daily.
Mrs. Catton

Friday, March 2, 2012

Dr. Suess' Birthday

What a great day to be in kindergarten at Holy Spirit School! Today we celebrated Dr. Suess' birthday with Miss Hill's class and Mrs. Flynn's Preschool Class. Each teacher chose their Dr. Seuss book and planned an activity. We divided the three classes up and put them in three groups to visit the rooms. Ask your child what Dr. Seuss story they heard in each classroom and to describe the activity in each room. Also, ask your child to describe what the author and illustrator of Dr. Seuss books really looks like and what his real name is. Hint- Theodore Seuss Geisel. We had a great time enjoying these wonderful children books together with all of the "Early Childhood" teachers and students. 
Mrs. Catton